As an American, I deserve
Millions of eligible voters don't vote because of a conflicting work schedule—not everyone can head to the polls on a Tuesday. As Americans, we shouldn't have to choose between earning a paycheck and casting a vote. That's why we started Time Off to Vote; we believe that your most basic democratic right should never be constrained by your job. It's as simple as that.
of companies do not offer employees paid Time Off to Vote. (2018)
states do not have a paid Time Off to Vote law. (2020)
1 in 5
nonvoters cite a conflicting work schedule as their reason for not voting. ( avg, 2000-2018)
Sources: Pew Research, Workplace Fairness, CNBC
Led by Students
As the future generation of American workers, we demand that we don’t sacrifice our most basic democratic right in order to earn a living. Formed by a coalition of students from schools across the country, Time Off to Vote is making a statement to states, colleges, the federal government, and our future employers.
Time Off to Vote transcends party lines. Our founders and supporters span the ideological spectrum. Current Time Off to Vote laws come from an even combination of red and blue states, demonstrating the non-partisan nature of the movement.